Benign Destructions

& Removal of

Non-Cancerous Lesions 

(Skin tags, warts, sunspots, and seborrheic keratosis)

Summit Dermatology and Spa, offer a range of safe and effective procedures designed to remove and eliminate various types of benign lesions, ensuring your skin is healthy and blemish-free.

Our highly skilled and experienced medical professionals specialize in the destruction of benign lesions and are committed to providing you with personalized care and optimal results. We understand the impact that these lesions can have on your appearance and self-confidence, which is why we offer advanced techniques and state-of-the-art equipment to address your specific needs.

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Skin tags, warts, sunspots, and seborrheic keratosis removal:

Dr. Chavan will carefully evaluate your specific lesion, discuss treatment options, and recommend the most suitable approach for your benign destruction. We prioritize your safety and comfort throughout the process, and our team will provide detailed aftercare instructions to support your healing and recovery.


  • Cryotherapy: Using the power of extreme cold, cryotherapy involves the application of liquid nitrogen to freeze and destroy the lesion. This quick and relatively painless procedure is effective for treating common skin lesions such as warts, skin tags, and seborrheic keratoses.

  • Electrosurgery: This technique uses electrical currents to precisely remove and destroy benign lesions. The electrical energy is used to cut or burn the lesion, ensuring complete removal and minimizing the risk of recurrence. Electrosurgery is commonly used for the treatment of moles, skin tags, and other superficial lesions.

  • Laser Therapy: Laser technology offers a non-invasive and highly targeted approach to the destruction of benign lesions. The laser emits concentrated light energy that selectively destroys the lesion while leaving the surrounding healthy tissue intact. Laser therapy is effective for a variety of lesions, including birthmarks, spider veins, and pigmented lesions.

During your initial consultation, Dr. Chavan will carefully evaluate your specific lesion, discuss treatment options, and recommend the most suitable approach for its destruction. We prioritize your safety and comfort throughout the process, and our team will provide detailed aftercare instructions to support your healing and recovery.

At Summit Dermatology and Spa, we strive to create a warm and welcoming environment for all our patients. We are dedicated to delivering exceptional care and achieving the best possible outcomes for the destruction of benign lesions. Trust our expertise and experience to help you regain smooth, healthy skin.

Contact us today to schedule a consultation and take the first step toward the safe and effective destruction of your benign lesions. 

Facial Veins & Blemish Removal

At Summit Dermatology and Spa, we understand that facial veins and blemishes can have a significant impact on your self-confidence. That's why we offer state-of-the-art hyfrecation treatments, a safe and precise technique for removing these imperfections, leaving you with a clear and even complexion.

What is hyfrecation? 

Hyfrecation, also known as electrofulguration or electrocoagulation, is a non-surgical procedure that utilizes high-frequency electrical currents to eliminate unwanted facial veins and other blemishes. This technique targets the affected area, causing coagulation and subsequent removal of the imperfection, without damaging the surrounding healthy skin.

Our team of highly skilled and experienced professionals specializes in hyfrecation and is committed to providing you with personalized care. During your initial consultation, Dr. Chavan will assess your skin condition and tailor a treatment plan to address your specific concerns. He will explain the procedure in detail, answer all your questions, and ensure you are comfortable and well-informed before proceeding.

The hyfrecation procedure itself is quick, virtually painless, and requires minimal downtime. Dr. Chavan uses a specialized hyfrecator device to delicately treat each individual vein or blemish, resulting in immediate and visible improvements. You can expect reduced redness, diminished veins, and a more uniform skin tone, restoring your natural beauty.

We prioritize your safety and comfort throughout the entire process. Our clinic maintains strict adherence to the highest standards of hygiene and employs advanced technology to ensure optimal results. We also provide comprehensive aftercare instructions to help you maintain the effects of the treatment and maximize your satisfaction.

Discover the confidence-boosting benefits of hyfrecation at Summit Dermatology and Spa.  Say goodbye to unwanted facial veins and blemishes, and embrace a smoother, more radiant complexion. Contact us today to schedule your consultation and take the first step toward achieving the flawless skin you deserve.


Summit Dermatology and Spa offer expert excision services for the removal of various skin cancer lesions. Dr. Chavan and his skilled team of medical professionals specialize in excision procedures, providing precise and effective treatments to ensure the health and beauty of your skin.


Excision is a surgical technique used to remove a wide range of skin cancers. Our goal is to provide you with the highest standard of care, using advanced surgical techniques and equipment to achieve optimal results while minimizing scarring and promoting rapid healing.


  • Comprehensive Evaluation: Dr. Chavan will thoroughly assess your skin condition, including the type, size, and location of the lesion. We will discuss your medical history and conduct any necessary diagnostic tests to determine the most appropriate course of action.

  • Excision Procedure: During the excision procedure, our skilled surgeons will carefully remove the lesion, ensuring complete eradication while preserving the surrounding healthy tissue. We utilize precise cutting techniques and may use sutures or other closure methods to achieve optimal wound healing and minimize scarring.

  • Pathological Examination: In cases where the excised lesion requires further evaluation, we collaborate closely with our pathology team. The excised tissue will be sent for examination to ensure an accurate diagnosis and determine if any additional treatment is necessary.
  • Post-Operative Care: Following the excision procedure, we provide detailed instructions for wound care and post-operative management. We are committed to your comfort and healing, and our team will closely monitor your progress and address any concerns you may have during the recovery period.

  • Scar Management: Dr. Chavan employs various techniques to minimize scarring and optimize the cosmetic outcome of the excision procedure. He may recommend scar management treatments, such as silicone sheets, topical creams, or laser therapy, to help fade and improve the appearance of any resulting scars.

At Summit Dermatology and Spa, we prioritize patient safety, comfort, and satisfaction. Our state-of-the-art facilities are equipped with the latest technology, and our team stays abreast of the most advanced surgical techniques in dermatology. We strive to create a welcoming and supportive environment, ensuring that you receive personalized care and have a positive experience throughout your journey.

Contact us today to schedule a consultation and learn more about how our excision services can address your specific skin cancer. 

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